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Assessments are created at a division level where the following information is collated.

  • Relevant resources to the assessment
  • Applicable threats
  • Applicable vulnerabilities
  • Asses likelihood against each threat
  • Risk treatment.

Once these steps have been completed the assessment results can be viewed.


results can be displayed by selecting either of the following options under risk reporting

View Resource Risks

This option allows you to review each resource previously selected with their corresponding Risk levels. Selecting one of these resources will provide a list of all associated resources and their risk matrix results across inherent, controlled and treated levels.

Drilling further down into these we can then see the risk detail, this will show both the individual scores for the selected resource and all associated controls.

Risk overview - Shows an overview of all resource risks and their corresponding appetite levels.

Risk Overview

The risk overview provides a graphical representation of inherent, controlled and treated results currently being calculated against each threat type.