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Widgets Explained

Widgets Explained

Widgets are shown on the organisation's dashboard, giving a representation the overall status of the account based on the modules licensed.

If you would like certain widgets added to your dashboard please contact support:

Widgets by alphabetical order

Active Modules - Highlights which modules are licensed by the account

Activity Overview - Part of the 22301 Business Continuity BIA module, representing the status of an Activity BIA.

Current Control Maturity - A percentage graph of the current implementation of controls for the organisation.

Historical Audit Data - Part of the 19011 Audit and Action Tracking module.

Metric Information Overview - An optional addition within the Enterprise Risk Management module.

My Risk Actions - Shows the first 5 actions associated with said user that is logged into Abriska.

Asset/Resource Assessment Overview - Assets or Resources status for the CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability).

Risk Actions Status - This highlights how many actions are overdue, and the quantity of actions resolved within the last 30 days

Supplier Overview - A breakdown of the various status' of a supplier. Within the Version 3.19 release, this will include a supplier/vendor search function allowing you to click directly into the supplier's control centre.

Total Number of Risks - A breakdown of the total number of risk by risk level. You can hover over the icons to learn how the levels values have changed. This carries a comparison date of 30 days prior.

Top Five Risks - The top 5 risk from the risk register (27001 + 31000 modules). The risk codes are linked taking you directly into said risks details. There may be more risks at a particular level however the system only showed the top 5 as appearing in the risk register view.

ISO 27001 Assessment Progress - The progress bar helps to ensure all information as part of the Information Security 27001 module are kept up to date, and prompts you to complete the next recommend stage. This figure will degrade as proposed dates, or review dates become overdue. This widget needs to be manually updated using the 'Update' button.

Dashboard example

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